Getting Started

why do you take turmeric?
Science reports tell us that turmeric:
· Maintains Our Health,
· Prevents Disease
· Reverses Diseases.
Ancient cultures included turmeric with meals for hundreds of years because they depended on it for healing. They adopted it as their main seasoning. It gave them energy and prevented illness. Before it was made into a powder, turmeric as a whole root was cut and fermented in earthen jars and used until the next harvest.
benefits of the whole root
There are hundreds of other healing compounds in turmeric besides curcumin. We are learning to appreciate the tremendous value of non-Curcuminoids. The whole root made into either a powder or a puree is more valuable than any one compound alone found in the root. Scientists isolated curcumin to measure its efficacy as a separate compound and then pharmaceutical companies made curcumin into a synthetic form (analogs).
Enjoy knowing that any Georgia Gold product that you choose will benefit your health.

We offer you both Turmeric Powder and Fermented Turmeric Powder.
The suggested serving size is 1 tablespoon per day. Only you can determine how much your body requires to give you a feeling of balance and well being. You want to obtain the amount in your diet that indicates to you that you have fewer episodes with any condition that negatively effects your health...such things as allergies, pain etc. Also you can test your blood sugar and cholesterol for improvement over time.
Fermented Turmeric Powder improves your bodies ability to absorb the valuable healing compounds that your digestive system may not break down for assimilation.
How can I find independent research on a particular disease?
There are thousands of human clinical trials that report specific findings regarding turmeric's ability to treat or prevent a variety of diseases or conditions. But you want to ensure that you are looking at legitimate, scientific studies. The best way to do this is to narrow your search to articles published by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH). The best way to do that is to perform a search with the following format: "disease or condition turmeric site:NIH.GOV". NOTE: You do not need the quotation marks. You would also replace the phrase disease or condition with your search term. For example, if you were interested in how turmeric might help with arthritis, you would type in the following: arthritis turmeric site:NIH.GOV. You may have to sort through a couple of ads and a few non-NIH sites, but you will have more than enough to satisfy your most voracious appetite for turmeric research. We also ask that you share with us any unusual or surprising findings that you run across.
Last - but not least - is the required disclaimer from the FDA: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.