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Introduce a Friend or Family Member to The American Turmeric Company and Share With Them a Customized Discount Coupon Code

You can actually do three favors at once:

  1. For a Friend or Family Member

  2. For Yourself, and

  3. For The American Turmeric Company

It is so simple! You can create your own discount code which you can share with your family and friends and invite them to benefit from Turmeric from The American Turmeric Company. When they use the coupon, they will get a 10% Discount on their Turmeric Order, you will receive 10% of their order as a credit toward your next purchase of Turmeric and The American Turmeric Company gains a new customer. 

Complete this form and create your own customized Discount Code to share. It cannot be more than ten digits long and must be all letters and/or numbers. Example: SALLYGIFT OR FREDSCODE. This is the code you will share with family and friends or post on your social media site. 

Once you submit the information,  you will receive an email with your customized discount code and a sample email to send to family and friends. 

Thanks for submitting!

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