Introduce a Friend or Family Member to The American Turmeric Company and Share With Them a Customized Discount Coupon Code
You can actually do three favors at once:
For a Friend or Family Member
For Yourself, and
For The American Turmeric Company
It is so simple! You will receive your own customized discount code that you can share with your family and friends and invite them to benefit from Turmeric from The American Turmeric Company. When they use the coupon, they will get a 10% Discount on their Turmeric Order, you will receive 10% of their order as a credit toward your next purchase of Turmeric and The American Turmeric Company gains a new customer.
Please indicate below if you would like to participate in the Customer Referral Program and earn a 10% Commission on each referral sale that is made PLUS the person to whom you make the referral will get a 10% discount. If you elect to do so, you will shortly receive an email with your customized discount code and a sample email to send to family and friends. All you need to do is send out the coupon code with a nice email explaining how you have benefited from taking turmeric from The American Turmeric Company. You can also post the code on your social platforms.